Connor and Kerry met on Tinder (the modern-day castle court for those who aren't privy).
Connor 'super-swiped'!
Kerry accepted after much deliberation with her nearests-and-dearests.
Ultimately, Connor came as top prize. The pickings were slim, you see.
The two spent some weeks courting one another. It was a fabulous time. Unfortunately, the courting took place solely over 'online messaging', much to Connor's dismay.
Eventually a date where both parties were neither sick nor otherwise occupied arrived! A first romantic date was made on that calendar date.
They met for Pizza. No Pizza was had by either, because conversation was the dish of the evening! Both later revealed to one another that it would have been great to also have ordered pizza.
At this exact point in both space and time, the truest of love began to blossom.
Things then moved rapidly - everything just fell into place for the couple. Families were met, new relationships were formed, trips were taken, half-blind kittens were obtained, and new homes were filled (yes, the two also added a Velcro dog, and a grumpy cat to the mix!). Also, there is a rabbit in this tale.
A rabbit 'pack' of only 4 paws expanded to a diverse set of 16 total paws! That's a LOT of paws.
Things then slowed down, and the couple's love grew both in breadth and depth. Routines were set, many laughs were bellowed, all while sloppy fur kisses did smother, and were reciprocated in kind.
Connor, now beyond smitten and very much decided on the fact that this most perfect woman is and had always been his soul-mate, whisked her away on a chaotic adventure to ask for her hand in marriage.
Plans were made and dates were set. It was the perfect engagement weekend (bar getting lost and stuck on country roads, and general confusion around the ordering of events).
Many moons then passed. Upon reflection of this fact, the couple then discussed the next stage in their shared adventure. It went something like this :
"Hot damn! We've been engaged a while. Time for some marriage?"
What will happen next? Will they leave us on this cliffhanger? Or become wed in holy matrimony on the 14th August 2025?
Only time (and your RSVPs) will tell...